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FOTO PEKAN OLAHRAGA ANTAR KELAS SMPIT BIU 20 S/D 23 DESEMBER 2011 » whether the student is confused or stressed when answering exam questions..???

whether the student is confused or stressed when answering exam questions..???

whether the student is confused or stressed when answering exam questions..???

Comments on: "whether the student is confused or stressed when answering exam questions..???" (2)

  1. belajarnya lagi serius niiiiiiii…………..

    • SMPIT BINA INSAN UNGGUL Alamat: Jln. Trs. Halimun no.37 (Pelajar Pejuang 45) Bandung 40263 Tlp. (022)69789887 (GEDUNG E UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN) said:

      If you’re previous exam must study hard to get satisfactory progress so happy you and your parents. ok …!!!
      learning the hard is a necessity that can not be negotiable and fixed price in mind to achieve a success. Anyway there is your future in your hands alone

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